Ryan Peterson


Ryan Peterson, CIM, FCSI | Advantage Financial Services

Portfolio Manager

Advantage Securities / Aligned Capital Partners Inc. (More info)

Insurance Advisor

Advantage Financial Services
Ryan grew up in Lethbridge and graduated from the University of Lethbridge in 2005. He then worked at a financial consulting firm for two years. He founded Advantage Financial Services in 2008. He is a Registered Representative with IIROC and has earned his Chartered Investment Manager designation.
Ryan believes there are several key elements to creating, and maintaining, financial independence:
  • Establishing clear goals and objectives
  • Patient, disciplined investing
  • Regular meetings to identify changes in plans
  • Being engaged and taking an active interest in your finances
  • Willingness to not chase passing trends
  • A client/advisor relationship built around trust
Ryan is committed to providing independent, unbiased research, great service, and most importantly, someone you can trust to create a customized approach to achieve your personal financial objectives. Ryan has a strong and experienced team to ensure that all client needs are met and each client is treated with respect.
Call to arrange an appointment. See if Ryan and his team would be a ‘good fit’ for you.