High Net Worth Portfolio
As you accumulate wealth, you need a properly diversified portfolio. This reduces risk and emotional decision making.
Since founding Advantage Financial Services Inc. in 2008, Ryan Peterson has built a practice that manages over half a billion dollars in assets. We’re registered with the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization through Aligned Capital Partners Inc., with CI as trustee on client accounts. This allows us to customize portfolios to include stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, GICs, and insurance products.

As independent financial advisors, we offer unbiased, objective advice on strategies best suited to your needs as a high net worth investor. We run low-cost, transparent, fee-based accounts that can be tax deductible, which means less money out of your pocket and more money into it.

If you fall into one of the following categories, talk to us about a high net worth portfolio:
  • Have a net worth of over $250,000 in investable assets
  • Own a business
  • Are professionals (both young and established)
  • Are selling a business or farm or commuting their pension
  • Have outgrown mass market investments and want customized advice
We always put service first with quarterly account reviews and quick responses to any inquiries. We look forward to working with you to grow your net worth.