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Advantage Securities
We believe that successful investing requires a disciplined, long term approach. It is essential to not get caught up in the day to day ‘noise’ and false trends that entice other investors into making irrational mistakes. Instead, we build portfolios based on strategic diversification, high quality assets, and personalized client involvement.
A properly diversified portfolio reduces risk and emotional decision making. As independent advisors, we seek out the best investment opportunities for our clients, without any proprietary product bias. A properly balanced portfolio provides steady growth and a level of protection from market corrections – and most importantly, strong long term results. We utilize individual stocks and bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, GICs and private placements to help our clients reach their individual investment goals.
In building diversified client portfolios, our focus is always on quality. Through our rigorous, extensive due-diligence, we look for companies/investments that have the following characteristics:
  • Sustainable earnings growth
  • Financial stability
  • Proven business models
  • Dividend growth
  • Strong management teams
History has shown that these investments outperform their competitors over the long term.1
By employing both passive and active investment strategies, along with individual security selection, we are able to keep our client fees to a minimum. It is clear that the amount you pay for advice and investment products can have an impact your portfolio performance. Currently some of the market is filled with sales people that act in their own self-interest by exclusively pushing high-cost mutual funds. We strongly believe, and can demonstrate, that our clients get good value for what they pay. The advantages we provide in portfolio construction and maintenance, tax efficiency and ongoing investment advice leave our clients further ahead. We are proud of the services we provide to our clients.
Client involvement is the final and necessary step in building our investment philosophy. From the initial meeting where goals are clarified to the ongoing relationship and updates that come from a changing world – engaged clients help to ensure that the investment portfolios are hitting their mark. That is why we aim for regular communications through face-to-face meetings, calls, conferences and newsletters.

1Investment Executive, The Quality Puzzle. Retrieved on July 16, 2019.